Payment of sample analyses is required upon receipt of samples.
What are my options for paying the laboratory?
- Check or Money Order included with sample delivery,
- (Make checks or Money Order out to “Soil Testing Laboratory”
- Online credit card prepayment with hardcopy submittal form through Aggie Marketplace,
- (The laboratory does not have the ability to run credit cards.)
- Go Directly to our Marketplace Store at this Link
- Payments made on Marketplace are valid for 90 days, after which the payment will be considered a donation.
- Online credit card payment and sample information submittal through Aggie Marketplace,
- (The laboratory does not have the ability to run credit cards.)
- Go Directly to our Marketplace Store at this Link
- Payments made on Marketplace are valid for 90 days, after which the payment will be considered a donation.
- Refunds
- Overpayment refunds from check or money orders received by the laboratory will be accessed a minimum $10 laboratory processing fee.
- Common issues include incorrectly adding analyses fees, failure to send all samples or adding fees for analyses not performed by the laboratory.
- Overpayment refunds from Aggie Marketplace payments will be access a 30% fee for the entire transaction amount.
- These fees will be waived if a mishap occurred within the laboratory preventing analyses of sample(s).
- Overpayment refunds from check or money orders received by the laboratory will be accessed a minimum $10 laboratory processing fee.
- Invoicing of Customers
- Customers with established Ipayment accounts in good standing and a current AG-257 on file with Texas A&M AgriLife Banking and Receivable can select Extension of Credit and be invoiced by AgriLife.